Our production method is based on the proven ‘Lübke’ windrow system that was developed in Austria over 50 years ago.

At Jorobi Natural Fertiliser we produce a fully mature, aerobic humified compost. We do this by following, as closely as possible, the Controlled Microbial Compost (CMC) method, internationally recognised and commonly known as ‘Lübke compost’.  

All the feedstocks are placed in a windrow to attain the correct carbon to nitrogen ratio. Feedstocks we use include straw, pig eco shelter bedding, cattle feedlot bedding and some chicken manure. Water is added to the windrow to the required moisture content and the process begins.

Our compost production process can be broken into three distinct phases. Firstly, the breakdown phase is where the organic compounds are broken down, followed by the humification and maturation phase, where the broken-down particles are reformed into more stable compounds. Different sources of biology are added throughout the rows life cycle to aid the process and increase microbiol diversity.

The windrows are monitored daily for CO2, moisture, and temperature. A windrow turner is used to turn the row mechanically if any of these parameters are exceeded. The turning action of the machine is critical to ensure both complete blending and aeration of the row. The temperature of the row is kept at about 55 degrees and below 70 degrees centigrade for at least 15 days to conform to both Australian and Organic standards. This ensures that any weed seeds and pathogens are destroyed. As a rule of thumb, the row is turned every day for the first 15 days, then as the composting process progresses, the turning parameters are exceeded less and less and thus the need for turning decreases.

A small percentage of a high-quality clay is an important component of our compost recipe. Without clay in the blend, Humus formation does not happen as the humus molecule needs the clay fraction to bind to.

Windrow covers also play an important role in the process. The primary purpose of the covers is to reduce evaporation from the row and prevent saturation and water logging from rainfall. The geo-textile fabric allows the row to “breath” and protects the compost from the sun which can cause carbon burn off. This makes the job of managing the moisture content of the row far more successful.

The whole process takes 8 to 10 weeks to complete. The final product is a fully mature natural humified compost. Our compost is produced aerobically, holds the nutrients in a stable form with beneficial diversity in its microbiology, and contains no sulphides or other compounds harmful to plants.

We are very particular with the inputs that we use for our compost. The straw is sourced locally, and pig and cattle bedding come from enterprises that do not use hormones. To conform with organic standards none of our inputs either physical or biological have any GMO component.

We test regularly for chemical and heavy metal contaminants.